Sailor Chia I - Etta Spicer: Eternally cheerful, and horrible at taking responsibility. Short and chubby with a mop of orange hair. Loves eating. Excellent for comic relief, although when she grows up and needs to take responsibility that'll become a problem.
Sailor Elephante I - Lisenda ?:
Sailor Eyrie I - Garudi Lahiri: Full blooded Lost Desert denizen, Garudi is shapely and has dark brown features in every aspect (hair, eyes, skin). She's a sweet and soft woman with strong heart and an eye for detail. To preserve her lineage she was betrothed and married to her cousin. (Karma, her daughter, broke the tradition by marrying a Neopian Central citizen.)
Sailor Flotsam I - Kenny Slin: A real team player, a procrastinator. He has good intentions and likes to try and help out, but isn't a strong speaker. (Which is why he landed in prison shortly after his Sailor Neopet days.) He was very tall with black hair and had one blue eye and one green eye.
Sailor Gelert I - Agnes Banathy: An idealistic, determined, noble woman. Expects the best of everyone, believes in happy endings. Tries to take the high road, be chivalrous. Gets upset when people are traitors. Extremely loyal to her causes; an activist. Very short with purple hair. Sailor Grarrl I - ?: Sailor Jetsam I - ?:
Sailor JubJub I - Nicolas Gerace: Hairy, round and jolly. Cheerful; has a belly laugh. Joker. Can lighten the mood in any situation. Tends to panic and flee from extreme stress.
Sailor Kacheek I - Bonnie Colger: Auburn hair and hazel eyes. Is secretly in love with Sailor JubJub. Best friends with Sailor Tuskaninny. Is responsible but resentful of her duties. Likes sewing and group activites.
Sailor Kau I - ?:
Sailor Kiko I - Isabella Gerace: Flighty, artistic type. Actually lives in Kiko Lake (with special equipment and so on, of course) because the sea creatures inspire her. Loves to paint vibrant colours. Flexible and adaptable but hates silence and boring people. Sensitive to heat. Dark blue hair, wide blue eyes and pale skin.
Sailor Korbat I - ?: