The Sailor Neopets RPG

Artwork by Morgan

A doll of Sailor Chia.

Aviva grinning.

When Morgan goes plushie mad.

An older Maxima with her pets.

Sailor Blumaroo mid-henshin - colored by Melony.

Celeste in the rain, humming the lyrics from Kelly Rowland's Stole.

Venus, Aviva, and Aikouka in comfy sweaters.

Leslie: I do believe I forgot how to fly . . .
Aviva: Then we'll help you!
With Aikouka, Zelda, Starlee (in technicolor hair), Melony, Tori, and Maxima.

Gami and bird at the beach.

Aviva, Leslie, and Zelda, onto whose head a clump of snow has just fallen.

Aviva at the beach.